Current Research

The list of current projects includes research undertaken by the Welcoming Communities Initiative which is now the Ontario Node of the P2P.  Clicking Read More offers research overviews, project leaders, timelines, and deliverables.

Warmth of Welcome: Australian, Canadian, and U.S. Immigration Systems Compared

Leveraging a team of national migration experts and using a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods, our research will advance knowledge in international migration and global talent management, as well as in immigration selection and integration policies and their implications. Sound migration policy is fundamental to the future prosperity and international competitiveness of major migration countries. Drawing data from the 2013 Survey of Adult Skills (available for Australia, Canada, and the U.S.), the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Australia, and Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada, we will conduct both cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis of immigrant labour market performance before and after reform policies in these countries. We will include examining the determinants and outcomes of individual transitional probabilities across different migrant statuses.

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The Health Outcomes and Health Service Use of Immigrants in New Brunswick: An Investigation Using Linked Administrative Data

There has been great interest in the health of immigrants to Canada and other immigrant-receiving countries because of the large flows of immigrants to those countries and the fact that the wide range of source countries provides great variation in immigrant characteristics and experiences. This has led to a voluminous body of work that has considered health status, health service use and health-related behaviors of immigrants, usually in comparison to non-immigrants.

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Les résultats en matière de santé et l’utilisation des services de santé par les immigrants au Nouveau-Brunswick : une enquête utilisant des données administratives couplées

Il existe un grand intérêt pour la santé des immigrants au Canada comme dans d’autres pays accueillant des immigrants étant donné les flux importants d’immigrants vers ces pays et le fait que l’éventail des pays dont ils proviennent est large et présente donc de grandes variations dans les caractéristiques et expériences des immigrants. Cela a mené à de nombreux travaux examinant l’état de santé, l’utilisation des services de santé et les comportements en matière de santé des immigrants, souvent en comparaison avec les non-immigrants.

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Projet d’immigration dans le Nord-Est de l’Ontario

Équipe de recherche :Don Curry, North Bay & District Multicultural Centre; Garvin Cole, North Bay & District Multicultural Centre; Meyer Burstein, Pathways to Prosperity; Michael Haan, University of New Brunswick; Johanne Jean-Pierre, McMaster University; Rochelle Wijesingha, McMaster University Partenaires…

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Northeastern Ontario Immigration Project

A Northeastern Ontario immigration project launched in September, 2014, has created three new Immigrant Employers’ Councils, provides HR services to employers, and has settlement workers making monthly visits to three previously unserved smaller centres. The project will also assist municipalities in the development of their immigrant attraction and retention strategies.

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