P2P 2024 National Conference

Supporting Newcomers to Canada: A Roadmap to Inclusive Collaboration for Collective Impact

November 24, 2024:Gender-Based Violence Response Forum 
(In person and Virtual)

November 25-26, 2024: P2P 2024 National Conference
(In person and Virtual)

November 27, 2024: P2P-FCFA Conference for Local Immigration Partnerships and Réseaux en immigration francophone
(In person and Virtual)

November 28, 2024: National LIP Network Summit
(In Person)

Hyatt Regency Hotel, Vancouver

Pathways to Prosperity will be holding its 12th Annual National Conference at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Vancouver on November 25-27, 2024. A virtual option will also be available on these dates.

The theme of this year’s Pathways to Prosperity National Conference is Supporting Newcomers to Canada: A Roadmap to Inclusive Collaboration for Collective Impact. This theme acknowledges the many sectors outside of the settlement sector, immigration researchers, and government who contribute to the settlement and integration of newcomers to Canada. This will be a chance for attendees to hear from representatives of some of these other sectors, to discuss promising practices in collaborating within and across sectors, and to consider how we can best work together to optimize collective impact. The conference will include plenary sessions, interactive activities, workshops and roundtables, a poster session, and opportunities to network with colleagues.

Workshops and roundtables will be held on all three days for those who attend in person and for those attending virtually. To be inclusive, we will be providing simultaneous interpretation for the keynote speaker and plenary sessions (both in person and virtually). All interested parties are welcome to attend.

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P2P Conference Award

Jean McRae Legacy Award for a Newcomer Youth

We are pleased to announce the Pathways to Prosperity’s second annual Jean McRae Legacy Award for a Newcomer Youth. This award will support a newcomer youth in Canada to attend the P2P National Conference in Vancouver on November 25-26, 2024. The award will include travel to Vancouver for the conference, three nights accommodation, and conference registration. To qualify, applicants must have been born outside of Canada, currently be living here, and be between 18 and 30 years old.

We invite newcomer youth to apply by submitting:

  • Your name and email address
  • A one-page description of why you are interested in attending the conference and how it will benefit your career
  • A nomination letter from an individual who has been in a supervisory role to you within the last three years – e.g., work supervisor, research supervisor, volunteer organization leader

Applications should be submitted to admin@p2pcanada.ca with the subject line: Application for Jean McRae Award, by September 16, 2024.

New Video and Brief Now Available

Developing an Evidence Base and Sharing Settlement and Integration Practices that Work

We are excited to announce that a new video and brief on a promising practice in settlement and integration are now available on the P2P website. Based in London, Ontario, the Cross Cultural Learner Centre (CCLC) uses a data-driven social media strategy to engage its community and enhance brand awareness through high-quality content across multiple platforms.

Funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), P2P’s Promising Practices project highlights promising practices in immigrant settlement and integration with an empirical basis for their effectiveness. This includes video interviews of those who developed and are administering the practices, and briefs that highlight the key aspects of the practices that make them effective and innovative. To date we have produced 47 videos and briefs for this purpose.

Featured Practice

CCLC’s Social Media Strategy

Organization: Cross Cultural Learner Centre (CCLC)

About the Practice: The primary goals of CCLC’s social media strategy are to grow brand awareness and effectively engage with key audiences – newcomers, donors, volunteers, prospective employees, and members of the community at large. The strategy effectively reaches these audiences by providing high-quality, relevant, and timely content across multiple platforms – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and CCLC’s website. Rigorous monitoring of analytics and data-informed decisions ensure that the content resonates with the target audiences and maintains momentum.

Read the brief Watch video

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