Current Research

The list of current projects includes research undertaken by the Welcoming Communities Initiative which is now the Ontario Node of the P2P.  Clicking Read More offers research overviews, project leaders, timelines, and deliverables.

L’art de l’immigration

Équipe de recherche : Sheila Petty, Université de Regina ; Joy Emelogu, Université de Regina ; Brahim Benbouazza, Université de Regina ; Djemaa Maazouzi, Université de Regina Cette recherche explorera comment les expériences des nouveaux arrivants et les expériences d’immigration, y compris…

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Les immigrants séniors

Équipe de recherche : Caroline Andrew, Université d’Ottawa ; Carl Nicholson, Centre catholique pour immigrants ; Houssein Charmakeh, Université d’Ottawa ; Yew Lee, consultant ; April Carrière, Université d’Ottawa Partenaires institutionnels : Conseil Économique & Social d’Ottawa-Carleton…

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Welcoming Newcomers to Canada: Strategies for Increasing the Warmth of the Welcome and Promoting a Sense of Belonging among Newcomers

Belongingness — the psychological sense that one fits and is accepted in an environment – is a fundamental human need and is associated with many positive outcomes, such as greater social cohesion, more positive health outcomes, and better academic performance. Our research will include a comprehensive review of the literature on the social-psychological factors that promote belongingness and well-being among newcomers. This will lead to the development of a fact sheet for the P2P online tool kit that will outline the various factors that increase newcomers’ sense of belonging.

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Immigration Regionalization Organizations and Their Practices in Employment Settings in Five Regions of Quebec: Perspectives From the Organizations, the Employers, and the Immigrants

This research aims at identifying and analyzing the practices of immigration regionalization organizations in employment settings in several regions of Quebec. We used a qualitative methodology relying on semi-structured interviews with actors in regionalization organizations (5 organizations in 5 different regions for a total of 7 interviews), with actors in employment settings and enterprises (5 employers in these regions) and with immigrants (12 in the five regions, from different origins) who used the organizations to integrate into the workplace.

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