Most migration stories have what researchers call push and pull factors. With government-assisted refugees (GARs), the push factors are often extreme, horrific, and exactly what qualifies them for government assistance. These factors, which include the effects of trauma, violence, and protracted periods of dislocation, animate…
Canada is an open, accepting, and generous country. It is built on diversity, and communities are stronger when they welcome and work with newcomers who want to build a better Canada. But with the natural trend of intensification and urbanization, most newcomers to Canada settle…
L’immigration nécessite la redéfinition des rôles familiaux, la reconstruction du système familial et l’instauration d’une nouvelle identité paternelle fondée sur le maintien d’un équilibre entre le système culturel de la société d’accueil et celui du pays d’origine (Dyke et Soucier, 2000). Dans une approche méthodologique…
Immigrant success is often defined and described in terms of self-sufficiency. Migrants are regarded as successful in their settlement efforts when they achieve economic success. To this end, settlement programs are typically designed to ensure labour market readiness, with employment as their final objective. That…
With rigorous screening, newcomers entering Canada are known to be in better health than the average Canadian; however this declines after years of living in the country. Navigating the Canadian healthcare system (CHC) has proven to be a monumental obstacle course for immigrants nationwide due…
The purpose of this project is to examine the validity of the newly mandated Canadian Language Benchmark-based progress assessment in LINC entitled Portfolio-based Language Assessment (PBLA: Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks [CCLB], 2019) from BELLs’ and their instructors’ perspectives. This project will fill key gaps in the literature as validity evidence to support the use of PBLA in LINC from BELLs’ perspectives is currently lacking.
Often overlooked in the analysis of immigrant retention is the role that family members play as anchors in a community. The need to understand the role of the family in the immigration experience is considered critical by service providers and researchers, however, little empirical work…