Learning and Appropriation Processes of French Language Acquisition by Refugees From Bhutan: A Case Study in Quebec City

The specific research question of this PhD thesis concerns the modes of learning and appropriation of the French language that are prevalent with adult Bhutanese Nepalophone refugees, who have progressively settled in Quebec City since 2009. More specifically, I want to highlight the different strategies developed by these refugees before, during, and after their participation in the francophonization program supported by the Ministry of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion, in order to foster their learning and appropriation of the French language. In the same fashion, I want to examine how these refugees make use of the various French-language learning resources at their disposal and how, drawing on this, they develop new strategies and competencies to foster their linguistic, social and economic integration into the host society.

Claudia Prévost
Degree: Phd
Status: Completed
Supervisor : Lucille Guilbert
Department and University: Department of History, Laval University
Link to completed thesis: https://corpus.ulaval.ca/jspui/handle/20.500.11794/68074