Explaining Variations in Success of Subnational Immigration Programmes in Canada and Australia

The study explains variations in the success of subnational immigration programmes in Canada and Australia. Under these programmes, subnational units have the right to select migrants to meet their regional economic and/or demographic needs. This study defines success in three ways and uses different data sources and statistical analyses to answer the research questions for both Australia and Canada. First, it success is about attracting immigrants to the regions that are not primary destinations for immigrants coming through federal programmes. The second dimension is immigrant retention patterns; attracting migrants does not automatically translate into their retention, especially considering possibilities of within-country migration. Finally, the third dimension is immigrants’ satisfaction with their settlement. The study is the first to compare outcomes across Canadian and Australian subnational jurisdictions. Its findings should be of interest to policy-makers to inform their thinking on regional immigration policies.

Halina Sapeha
Degree: PhD
Status: Completed
Supervisor: Michelle Dion
Department and University: Department of Political Science, McMaster University
Email: halina.sapeha@gmail.com
Link to completed thesis: https://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/handle/11375/16057