This investigation describes the validation of a measure of perceived racism developed to assess racial experiences of Asian American college students. In three studies across two different regions of the United States, there was strong evidence for the validation of the 8-item Subtle and Blatant…
We investigated the relationship of implicit racial prejudice to discriminatory behavior. White university students chose the best of three applicants (two were White and one was Black) for a prestigious teaching fellowship. They then completed the Implicit Association Test (IAT), a measure of implicit racial…
Contemporary society is beset with subtle racial tensions. Modern racism is a form of racism often found in modern, politically correct America. In this form of racism, racist beliefs are often expressed only indirectly. In the present paper, race differences in attitudes about and perceptions…
Although challenges of anti-racist work are most commonly framed in relation to White people and People of Color, there are significant challenges involved in creating allies across minority racial groups. This article describes our experiences within a community organization aimed at training anti-racist culturally sensitive…
Racial microaggressions are brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioural, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward people of colour. Perpetrators of microaggressions are often unaware that they engage in such communications when they interact…
Designed as a guide to help individuals make an honest appraisal of themselves and their biases and prejudices, the book aims to assist people in their journeys toward truly valuing the ideas of inclusion, respect, fairness, and the upholding of social justice. The work attempts…
This book focuses on how practices of mental health and racism have played out in the South African scenario and how they reflect assumptions concerning “White superiority” and “Black inferiority.” These practices and assumptions are then juxtaposed against competing ideals of the human rights movement,…
The Brief Implicit Association Test (BIAT) consists of two blocks of trials with the same four categories and stimulus-response mappings as the standard IAT, but with 1/3 the number of trials. Unlike the standard IAT, the BIAT focuses the subject on just two of each…
The authors examined the influence of participation in formal campus diversity experiences (e.g., courses and workshops) and interracial friendships on 2 specific democratic racial beliefs among a racially diverse sample of freshmen (N = 589). Using separate path analyses for each outcome, the authors examined…
Might a hypocrisy induction procedure reduce prejudicial behaviour among aversive racists? The authors identified aversive racists as individuals low in explicit prejudice but high in implicit prejudice toward Asians. 312 introductory psychology students completed a 9-item Asian Modern Racism Scale. Results revealed that aversive racists,…