Media Roundup

The Media Roundup provides links to recent and archived articles, in both English and French, on immigration and diversity appearing in the national and local news. Some international content is also included. Articles are updated weekly.

The Globe and Mail – Ottawa split on plan to let undocumented migrants apply to stay in Canada, Immigration Minister Miller says

Immigration Minister Marc Miller says a federal program to give migrants without valid papers the right to stay in Canada will not be coming any time soon as talks continue in cabinet about the plan, which some of his colleagues sharply oppose. The proposal – which would include allowing rejected asylum claimants and former international students with expired study permits to apply to remain in Canada – was presented by Mr. Miller to cabinet before MPs began their summer recess.

CBC News – From fast food to construction, employers turn more and more to temporary foreign workers

Businesses’ demand for temporary foreign workers has surged across the country in recent years, with employers given the green light to hire more than double the people through the federal program last year as they did five years ago. The program is designed to provide short-term relief to employers as a last resort, but has been scrutinized for its potential knock-on effects to the broader economy and the vulnerable position in which it can place workers.

CBC News – P.E.I. population growth slowing, although immigration staying strong

The growth rate of Prince Edward Island’s population appears to be moderating despite still-increasing immigration. Statistics Canada released the latest quarterly population figures on Wednesday. They show that on April 1, the province’s population estimate was 177,081, up about 5,300 people from April 1 of the previous year. That’s a growth rate of 3.1 per cent. P.E.I. had for several years been leading Canada in terms of how fast its population is growing, but the rate for this most recent 12 months is actually just below the national growth rate of 3.2 per cent.

Government of Canada – Canada improves fairness for applicants by ending post-graduation work permit “flagpoling”

A safe and secure flow of goods and people across the Canada–United States border is critical to North America’s economy and the close person-to-person ties that Canadians and Americans enjoy. That’s why we continue to look for ways to make it easier and faster to cross the border without compromising the integrity of our immigration system. Today, the Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced that foreign nationals can no longer apply for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP) at the border, effective immediately.

Gouvernement du Canada – Le Canada améliore l’équité pour les demandeurs en mettant fin aux allers-retours à la frontière pour les permis de travail postdiplôme

Aujourd’hui, l’honorable Marc Miller, ministre de l’Immigration, des Réfugiés et de la Citoyenneté, a annoncé que les étrangers ne peuvent plus présenter de demandes de permis de travail postdiplôme (PTPD) à la frontière à compter d’aujourd’hui. Cette mesure contribuera à réduire les allers-retours à la frontière. Il y a aller-retour à la frontière lorsqu’un résident temporaire du Canada quitte le pays et y revient immédiatement afin d’obtenir des services d’immigration le jour même, s’évitant ainsi les délais de traitement normaux associés aux demandes de permis de travail ou d’étude présentées en ligne.

Gouvernement du Canada – Le Canada rend hommage aux réfugiés du monde entier et leur témoigne sa solidarité

L’honorable Marc Miller, ministre de l’Immigration, des Réfugiés et de la Citoyenneté, l’honorable Mélanie Joly, ministre des Affaires étrangères, et l’honorable Ahmed Hussen, ministre du Développement international, ont fait la déclaration suivante aujourd’hui : « Aujourd’hui, en cette Journée mondiale des réfugiés, la communauté internationale rend hommage aux millions de réfugiés et leur témoigne sa solidarité, tout en s’engageant à continuer à travailler ensemble pour répondre à leurs besoins humanitaires et trouver des solutions à leurs éprouvantes situations.