Reports & Publications

Measuring Welcoming Communities: A Toolkit for Communities and Those Who Support Them

Pathways to Prosperity (P2P) is developing the Welcoming Communities Toolkits. These toolkits have been developed based on P2P’s 2010 report “Characteristics of a Welcoming Community,” but have also taken into account newer research that more aptly speaks to the current world we live in and provides practical tools that interested parties can use to engage and set their communities on the road to becoming more welcoming.

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Confronting and Reimagining the Orientation of International Graduate Students: A Collaborative Autoethnography Approach

This paper uses lived experiences to critically examine the orientation of international graduate students at research-intensive Canadian universities. We, five co-authors, embody diverse ethnic, racial, sexual, religious, national, and gender identities, yet are all (or have been) international graduate students in Canada. Through collaborative autoethnography,…

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The Canadian Legal Problems Survey

Surveys about legal problems and needs are undertaken in countries around the world. In 2021, the Canadian Legal Problems Survey (CLPS) was conducted to identify the kinds of serious legal problems people face, how they attempted to resolve them, and how these experiences have impacted…

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