Contact and Bio Information

Tzu-I Chung
Institutional Affiliation:
Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia
British Columbia
Languages: English
Arts, Culture and Heritage
Dr. Tzu-I Chung is an award-winning museum practitioner and cultural and social historian. Her community-centered and place-based practices have served as foundation for her extensive work with diverse diasporic communities on tangible and intangible cultural heritage, and on transnational migration. Building upon cross-sectoral partnerships and bold vision, she has developed and led intercultural community heritage and legacy projects that delivered a diverse range of innovative exhibition projects, curriculum and programming development, and public and academic publications.
For her work on anti-racism, diversity and inclusion, and critical heritage studies, she was named Exemplary Diversity Scholar by the National Center for Institutional Diversity at the University of Michigan, and presented with a Distinguished Service Award by the BC Museums Association. She serves as a peer reviewer for academic journals and a juror for public history prizes and grants, and as a Member of the Canadian Cultural Property Expert Review Board.