National RAP Conference: Enhancing Refugee Integration Through RAP Innovation

Delta Ottawa City Centre, 101 Lyon Street- Ottawa, Ontario – K1R 5T9

The conference will be an opportunity for those who design, administer, manage and deliver RAP to come together to review, discuss, learn and network. It will be a time to re-energize efforts to ensure continued service excellence after a period of considerable growth under demanding environments.

The conference will provide a much needed opportunity to:

  • Share promising practices
  • Discuss issues and emerging trends
  • Hear the latest research findings
  • Recommend possible program changes
  • Network to build and strengthen support
  • And set a course on how to best meet the current and expected needs of Government Assisted Refugees (GARs)

(There will be simultaneous interpretation (English-French) in all plenary and breakout sessions.)

The conference is funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and is being held in Ottawa, Ontario at the Delta Ottawa City Centre.
(101 Lyon Street- Ottawa, Ontario – K1R 5T9 – 613-237-3600)

Eligibility to attend is based on a pre-approved formula that reflects the settlement of GARs across the country. Participants have been selected from the following stakeholder groups:
1) Service Provider Organizations (SPOs)
2) Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
3) Invited Guests (Academics, Associations, Government Agencies, etc.)

Registration deadline is Noon, Friday, February 17, 2017.

To register and to obtain further conference information: