Sussex Centre for Migration Research & Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies: 2nd Annual International Conference

Fulton Lecture Theatre A at the University of Sussex
Price: Free

The 2nd Annual SCMR/JEMS conference on the theme “Frontiers in Comparative Migration Research” will be held on Wednesday, 11 March in Fulton Lecture Theatre A at the University of Sussex. It is organized by the International Conference at the Sussex Centre for Migration Research in collaboration with the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (JEMS).

The Keynote lecture will be delivered by Professor Richard Alba (CUNY New York) on ‘The challenges of integration in North America and Western Europe’, and subsequently published in the first edition of the journal in 2016.

The aim of the day event is to provide a platform for some of the cutting edge research in the fields covered by JEMS. Speakers at the conference include:

  • Prof. Adrian Favell (Sciences Po) who will comment on Richard Alba’s lecture;
  • Prof. Gokce Yurdakul (Humboldt, Berlin) who will discuss secularism, religion and diversity;
  • Prof. Rahsaan Maxwell (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) on the role of occupations in accepting minorities;
  • Prof. Antje Ellerman (University of British Columbia) comparing the politics of immigration policy-making;
  • Prof. Claire Dwyer (UCL, London) comparing transnational geographies of suburban faith in London and Vancouver; and
  • Prof. Charles Watters (Sussex) on seeking refuge and deservingness in Europe.

The day conference is free and open to all, but for catering purposes please register by emailing Sharon on by the 27th of February.



11-12.30: Keynote: Richard Alba (CUNY Graduate Center), ‘The challenges of integration in North America and Western Europe’

Adrian Favell (Sciences Po Paris) comments on Richard Alba


Lunch 12.30-1pm


1.30-2.10: Gokce Yurdakul (Humboldt, Berlin): ‘Secularism, religion and diversity: The contradictions of a European identity’


2.10-2.50: Rahsaan Maxwell (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill): ‘The cultural importance of occupations for the acceptance of immigrant-origin minorities in the national community’


2.50-3.30: Antje Ellerman (University of British Columbia): ‘The Comparative Politics of Immigration Policy Making: A Theoretical Framework’


– coffee break –


3.45-4.25: Claire Dwyer (UCL): ‘Researching the transnational geographies of suburban faith in London and Vancouver’


4.25-5.05: Charles Watters (Sussex): ‘Seeking Refuge in Europe: Reflections on the Moral Economy of Deservingness’