How Can We Engage Diasporas as International Entrepreneurs – Suggestions from an Empirical Study in the Canadian Context

The objective of this project is to carry out an empirical study of the critical determinants of the development of Diaspora international entrepreneurs doing business between Canada and their countries of origin. By diaspora international entrepreneurs (DIE), we mean immigrants or descendants of immigrants who reside permanently in the host country (Canada in this study) while maintaining a psychic link with the country of origin and who carry out economic international activities between the two countries on a regular basis. Scholars and practitioners have often affirmed that “Diasporas” entrepreneurs are potential business investors and trade bridges between home and host countries. This affirmation suggests that international business activities of Diaspora international entrepreneurs could be an alternative form of immigrant economic adaptation in the host country.

Despite these affirmations, very few empirical studies have been carried out and determinants of the success of these activities have not been systematically identified. The current study intends to close this gap.