Barriers and Facilitators to Accessing Community Mental Health Services for Migrant Youth

Barriers and Facilitators to Accessing Community Mental Health Services for Migrant Youth was a collaborative study between researchers from the Faculty of Education at Western University and Settlement Services at the South London Neighborhood Resource Centre. This study explored the perspectives of migrant youth and service providers on the barriers and facilitators to accessing mental health services for migrant youth. A total of 37 individuals participated. Migrant youth between the ages of 16 and 22 and service providers from 6 different local health or mental health organizations participated. Each was asked the same questions: 1) “What are the mental health stressors that you face?”, 2) “What are the mental health supports that you have?”, 3) “What would stop you from talking to someone about mental health stress?” and 4) “What would make it easier to talk to someone about mental health stress?”.