Consultation Committee

The Consultation Committee was established to provide advice and guidance to the P2P Research Project Team on the project: Developing an Evidence Base and Sharing Settlement and Integration Practices that Work. Members work together to select topic areas for analysis of promising practices; to identify criteria of evidence-based promising practices; to select nominations for analysis and video / brief production; and for other decision-making.

The current members of the Consultation Committee are:

Victoria Esses 
University of Western Ontario and Pathways to Prosperity

Katie Crocker 
Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA) and Pathways to Prosperity

Cédric de Chardon
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

Suzanne Huot
University of British Columbia

Asta Rowe
Association for New Canadians

Vicki Sinclair
Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations

Alina Sutter
University of Western Ontario and Pathways to Prosperity

Aurelie Lacassagne
Saint Paul University

Marc Valade
Toronto Metropolitan University